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This the first film (part1) of when an owned slave of mine returned to me after a two year break.... my owned slave had been tattooed years ago, and still wears the mark........ in late 2009 he decided that he knew better than me, he decided that he wanted to be released from my service... told him that I would never release him, I said that if he wore my mark it would be forever, I meant it then and still do now... after attending others and learning more about what he wants and what he needs, he contacted me again...... of course it was good to hear from him, and although w/we went in different directions, o/our paths came together again... will w/we continue together on this path of enlightenment...?. only time will tell......... i did enjoy using him again though..... this film is of when I introduced him to my sjambok for the first time.......... i have split the film into two parts....... the full film will be put on in time if you want to wait for it..... there will be other films that will come from this slave returning to his mistress, do look out for them.... my slave mope did well after so long away from me...........